Morganton TAASC
The American Adventure Service Corps
Research and Need
Every generation of parents looks at the younger generation of kids and pronounces that “the kids today are not the same as when we were growing up.” That statement will always be true as our society evolves. In this age of electronic technology and faster paced life, life styles are changing rapidly. However, there are age-old values that every generation still deems important, such as compassion and service to others, preserving our planet, physical and mental fitness, supportive family units, the ability to work with others, and a solid positive image of one’s self.
A positive self-image is the key to success in so many areas such as academics, socialization with peers, behavior, family, and work. Injections of self-esteem must continue throughout every person’s lifetime and especially during the developmental years of adolescence.
Recently, a great deal of research focusing on the needs of youth point out key areas that must be addressed; this research shows that young people want to belong to a worthwhile organization with their peers; young people also need positive activities to do in their communities outside of school. youth need to believe that they are important; young people need positive role models as mentors.
The American Adventure Service Corps offers young people an incredible multi-year opportunity to meet many of their needs. Through a co-ed design with no uniforms TAASC is able to provide fresh and interesting trips and programs. We also offer continuous new challenges and skills to be mastered. The American Adventure Service Corps provides a dynamic, exciting, and safe club atmosphere where kids experience a sense of belonging with their peers on adventurous expeditions and meaningful service projects, which can last from age 8 to 18 and even a lifetime.